Fleas, ticks, worms and mosquitoes–it’s important that your pet is protected from these pests and the problems they can cause:
- Fleas – often trigger dermatitis, hot spots, and tapeworm
- Intestinal worms – cause illness and can also infect humans
- Ticks – can transmit numerous dangerous illnesses to both pets and people, including Lyme disease
- Mosquitoes – carry potentially deadly heartworm, which is very prevalent in our region of the country
In addition to preventative medications, you should thoroughly check your pets for fleas and ticks if they’ve been outdoors.
Some worms can be detected in your pet’s stool, although others cause different symptoms. Intestinal worms are usually easy to eliminate with medication but left untreated, they can eventually make your pet very ill.
Heartworm and disease contracted from mosquitoes often have no symptoms until the disease is well advanced. Currently there is treatment for dogs, but it can be expensive and very hard on your pet.
At Forest Crossing Animal Hospital, we believe prevention is always the best treatment! We carry many different types of flea, tick, and heartworm preventive and many of them also prevent some intestinal worms. Our veterinarians can help you choose which one is right for your pet. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call us at 936-271-9300.